18 October 2008


All paintings are in acryl on canvas


Sandpiper (Lin) said...

Your artwork is so colorful and cheerful! I adore cats, and these are fun!

MaR said...

Love the blue cats, particularly!! and the last one reminds me of Van Gogh. Wonderful paintings, Gattina!

Carletta said...

Gattina! These are wonderful.
I like the cat looking at the sunset(sunrise) and the last one too!

Raven said...

I LOVE your paintings! They are just wonderful!

Pamela said...

I want to come paint with you.
Do you have an extra spot ?? hee hee

mercè said...

A very good work. I like the color and as grasps the way to be of the cats, its favorite positions, its pamperings. ..!!! I imagine as should enjoy painting and creating...
Happinesses of every heart.

The Activist said...

lovely painting

Anonymous said...

You paint beautifully. The colours are bright and attractive and they just speak to you. Sure helps that I love cats too. Love it :)

Tom said...

Why have I never noticed these before?
I have to say that I love these.. the colours are so bright and vivid... you style is a joy to see... What I'm really saying is I'm well impressed...


Gaston is back! muahahahaha said...

Thanks Gattina for your comment on my blog :-)
Your paintings are beautiful!
Happy puuurrsss..
PS: We live in the same country hihihi...

Kathie Brown said...

I love the bright colors and the simple compostion. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm glad to have found yours!

Michelle said...

Gattina your art is beautiful!! Iespecially like the one with the sun over kitty's head. :)

Aisha said...

Beautiful! Amazing how you could draw such beautiful arts! :) I love them!


To Ms. Gattina

You are welcome to my blogspace.
I have three types of blogs: news and films related, literary, and about paintings. Five in each category and one for the health!

Main blogs are My home Page, Short Stores and Book Reviews, and Paintings Galleries.

I would be visiting your blog regularly, as it has interested me.

Naval Langa


To Ms. Gattina

I have visited your blogs for the paintings.

I would be revisiting, as the rich contents and simple writings are my choices for reading.

Naval Langa

RW said...

Wow great painting Gattina and there so relaxing and calming "cats" who knew! I am off to sign your guest book!

mge said...

Another cat lover here.

Nice paintings, the colours you chose remind me of Gauguin, maybe Van Gogh too.

Greetings from Argentina.

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Gattina, I wish I had come here before. I love your painting, so colorful and bright, all beautiful.

Carolina said...
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ANNA-LYS said...

Your artwork makes me happy!

Greetings from

diane b said...

You are one talented lady. Love the vibrant colours, shows your vibrant nature.

Manitas Creativas said...

I really love your work, it´s so colorful, and express happiness, and I´m a cat fan too, I´ve 4 adorable cats, that brought me 6 little kittens and enjoy them. they´re like my own kids. Greetings from Mexico.

Tom said...

I love them all... so vibrant.. your style of painting is a joy to see

MJ said...

my inlaws is going to like your painting...cats...

really glorious...

Debs said...

I LOVE your artwork. I will have to share your blog with my daughter. She loves cats.

Mary said...

I love your cat paintings! So colorful and lovely to look at.

RosIna´s Allerlei said...

Oh wie schön !!!Deine Bilder gefallen mir sehr gut !!!Liebe Grüße Ina

RosIna´s Allerlei said...

Oh wie schön !!!Deine Bilder gefallen mir sehr gut !!!Liebe Grüße Ina

Anonymous said...

Your paintings are Magnificent. I enjoyed all. Your a awesome artist.

Thank you for comment to my blog. Much appreciated.

Terra said...

I like your colorful and expressive cat paintings very much.